Troubles with Discord (and more Chibi-Dina!)

  • Post published:April 22, 2024

So… long story short, and some of you already knew this, but the other week my Discord account was hacked by some scammers that I ALMOST managed to fall for. It was the “I accidentally reported you to the Discord mods” scam, and it was late at night so I wasn’t as alert as I should have been…. Now, I came to my senses before they managed to get any money out of me, but the e-mail address I had connected to Discord was changed to an e-mail that wasn’t mine, and I couldn’t change it back.

I was in talks with Discord Support to see what could be done… luckily I had enabled my two-step verification and could log in using my phone, so the hacker didn’t get any actual control over my account. So I was hoping the Discord Support team could help me. And I had a few e-mails back and forth… but then, total radio silence.

And then, when I tried logging into my account yesterday, I was told it was disabled. No warnings, no more mails from Discord support, just “your account has been disabled.”

With the Discord Support team so… unresponsive, I decided that the only thing to do was to start a new Discord account. I kind of need Discord to keep in touch with a lot of people. Now my IP address hadn’t been banned or anything like that, so it was easy enough to set up a new account… though of course it meant I was out of a ton of Discord servers and had lost all my Discord contacts. I’m building it back up, and have posted about this both to Bluesky, Tumblr, Mastodon and even X-Twit (even if I hardly ever use that anymore, there are still a lot of people I know there), but in case you didn’t catch it: My new Discord account name is simply dinamnealey in one word. If you DM me I’ll add you as a friend as soon as I can.

But! There is also a small website update. Part 3 of Whatever Happened to Chibi-Dina? is up, and part four shouldn’t be too long in the coming. Not sure how many parts the comic will have when it’s done, but probably at least six. It depends a little on when I run out of ideas for it… but what I can say is that Chibi-Dina will spend most of it either asleep or in a trance, and get pulled into new hypnotic or erotic situations through no fault of her own. I’ve been wanting to do a “helpless protagonist who spends an entire story hypnotized and oblivious as other take advantage of her” story for some time, and using Chibi-Dina as well as tying it together with my unintentional hiatus for the last part of 2023 seemed like as good an occasion as any.

Speaking of Chibi-Dina, she and twilight the Catgirl guest-starred in a comic by MesmerEye called Maxwell, Chibi-dina, twilight, and a Phoney Booth, which you can read on DeviantArt.